
Intelligent Biped is a forum for discussing ideas, issues and solutions with a focus on our inherent human characteristics of cleverness and kindness. This forum is called "intelligent biped" because I believe kindness and cleverness to be interdependent at a biological level. Simply put, bipedal animals can't have big brains without fundamental kindness and nurturing. This forum will share and discuss issues, ideas and solutions that use and enhance our inherent cleverness and kindness amongst the chaos of everyday life.

Skinny Juice AKA Green Tea Lemonade


2 green tea bags (I like to select a citrus flavoured one)

Juice of one lemon

2 cups hot water (take care not to crack glass if using a glass jar)

1-2 teaspoons of honey (manuka will give you added benefit)


Add all ingredients to jug/jar/appropriate vessel.

Stir until honey melted.

Allow tea bags to steep for at least twenty minutes.  I just leave them in the jug in the fridge.

Place in fridge and enjoy served chilled.

Variation:  If taking out on a hot day, consider freezing (remembering that the juice will expand so don't overfill the container) and allowing it to defrost through the day, providing you with a cool, refreshing drink.

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