
Intelligent Biped is a forum for discussing ideas, issues and solutions with a focus on our inherent human characteristics of cleverness and kindness. This forum is called "intelligent biped" because I believe kindness and cleverness to be interdependent at a biological level. Simply put, bipedal animals can't have big brains without fundamental kindness and nurturing. This forum will share and discuss issues, ideas and solutions that use and enhance our inherent cleverness and kindness amongst the chaos of everyday life.

Monday 4 May 2015

Cinnamon Scrolls - sans sucre!

This is an adaptation of an internet scrolls recipe and my attempts at sour dough based cinnamon scrolls.  I am (very) happily enjoying this latest batch as I write. mmmmm!

Cinnamon Scrolls
(Makes around 24)

Step One:
Preheat oven to 180C

Step Two:
Into a bowl add:
2 Cups Flour
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
2 teaspoons honey
Very generous application of cinnamon

Step Three:
Slowly add unsweetened yoghurt (it will be about 1 cup, but it varies with the thickness of the yoghurt) stirring with a knife until the mixture is able to be formed into a ball.  You want it wet enough to be able to roll it, but not so wet that it will stick to the rolling pin and bench.  Add small quantities of flour if you think you've overdone the yoghurt.

Gather it up into a ball and knead very lightly.  If you over-knead, the scrolls could turn out tough.  You just want it to kinda hold together.

Step Four:
Roll out onto a floured bench - about 1/2 cm thick.
I split the mixture into two batches at this point to make handling it easier because we have a small bench.

You want a shape approximating a rectangle.  You can be as fussy as you want with this, as is seen opposite, I favour the "rustic" (and least work) appearance!

Step Five:
Spread on softened butter.
Be generous!  They're cinnamon scrolls and a treat and you're making up for no sugar with lots of flavour from cinnamon, dates (next step) and butter - you want this to caramelize so don't skimp.

Step Six:
Sprinkle on the rest of the filling:  date sugar (basically dates cooked until hard then ground up and kept in the fridge - so good on porridge and in bircher) and cinnamon.
If you aren't worried about sugar too much you can used brown sugar or raw sugar instead of the date sugar - some diabetics cope fine with raw sugar.  
Be really generous with the cinnamon.

Step Seven:
Roll it up.
Press the top edge down a bit to help them stick together better when they cook.

Step Eight:
Cut them up into roughly 2 cm thick slices.
I use the thickness of the knife to help me keep them even.

Step Nine:
Put the scrolls into greased muffin tins.

I use muffin tins as this helps the scroll stay together when it expands in the oven

If you have rough ends left over (more likely the more rustic your approach), just stick them on top of the muffin tin and check them early as they will cook quicker.

To be honest, these just might get eaten straight out of the oven as a cook's perk in our house !

Step Ten:
Bake for 10-15 minutes
Cool on a wire rack

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